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SCORM 2004 Reporting

Results of experiences are available through most systems supporting SCORM 2004. This is accomplished by using Go Gab as an activity in the course. For an example see integration instructions for Articulate Storyline 360.

URL Format

The following is the format used for URLs when referencing a workshop for use in a SCORM system:{workshopId}/scorm/bounce

Where {workshopId} is replaced by the workshop's UUID. For example:

What is different about the SCORM experience?

Interaction with the SCORM URLs are different compared to the main web page in the following ways:

  1. There is no Go Gab branding or "chrome" for the experience. It is just a raw discussion and evaluation.
  2. The learner must choose to "Submit" a score.
  3. Upon submission, the learner is presented with a blank screen "Thank you! You may now close this window and return to the course."