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Articulate Rise 360

Integration with Rise 360 is available through Embedded Multimedia.

Step 1: Add a new block

Step 2: Make it of type Multimedia → Embed

multimedia embed

Step 3: Change the format’s Embed Width to Medium

  1. Click on the Format icon.
  2. Change the “Embed Width” drop down to “Medium”.
  3. Click on the X to close the Format popup.

Step 4: Edit the Content of the Embed block.

  1. Click on the Content (edit) icon for the Embed block.
  2. Click on “Change” to modify what is in the block.
  3. In the field which says “Paste URL or iframe code here…” paste the following code.
  4. Press Enter to set the iframe code.
  5. Click on the X to close the Content edit popup.
  6. Change the "src" field to be the appropriate SCORM link for the workshop.
title="GoGab Call Simulator"

The Quotes " matter!

Correct: src=""

Not Correct: src=